In the United Stated of America, Tribidrag is known as Zinfandel, and in Italy it is known as Primitivo, which means that this autochthonous Croatian variety has multiple synonyms. However, the name that is of most importance to us is Tribidrag, as is the fact that Tribidrag was held in high regard throughout the history of Croatia. There exist records that testify that Croatia’s most eminent 15th-century poets (Marulić, Hektorović) used to cultivate this wine, that we used to export it to France and Italy, and that even a poem singing its praises was composed in the 18th century. Our Tribidrag is sourced from our organic vineyards which go all the way down to the sea. The wine is coupaged with the international variety of Temporanillo (up to 15%) to create a perfect blend that retains all the features of the Tribidrag variety.