The first building that was erected on our vineyard, on its highest peak at 253 m above sea level, was the Chapel of Sveti Mihovil (St Michael). The name Mihovil (Mihael) has been present in the Štimac family for five generations.
The chapel houses a statue of St Michael from the Basilica of the Monte Gargano Shrine in Italy, where the saint appeared in the year 462 AD. The statue was brought by Vlado Štimac, a member of the brotherhood of St. Michael.
The chapel was built on 29 September 2009, on the feast day of St. Michael, an archangel with a sword in his hand. That is precisely the day when the last fruits of the vine were harvested and the process of wine creation commenced at the winery.
This day presented an opportunity to thank St. Michael for the successful harvest and pray for a fruitful next year.